
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
/ 4:35 PM

Excellent poems by not so famous poets... found on toilet doors and walls..........

1/ A budding poet trying his best...
Here I lie in stinky vapor,
Because some bastard stole the toilet paper,
Shall I lie,
or shall I linger,
Or shall I be forced to use my finger.

2/ Before he graduated to be a poet, he wrote this...
Here I sitBroken hearted
Tried to shit
But only farted

3/ Someone who had a different experience wrote,
You're luckyYou had your chance
I tried to fart,
And shit my pants!

4/ Perhaps it's true that people find inspiration in toilets.
I came here
To shit and stink,
But all I do
Is sit and think.

5/ There are also people who come in for a different purpose...
Some come here to sit and think,
Some come here to shit and stink,
But I come here to scratch my balls,
And read the bullshit on the walls...

6/ Toilet walls also double as job advertisement space....... (written high upon the wall)
If you can piss above this line,
the Singapore Fire Department wants you.

7/ Ministry of Environment advertisement.
We aim to please!
You aim too! Please

8/ On the inside of a toilet door:
Patrons are requested to remain seated throughout the entire performance.

9/ And finally, this should teach some a lesson...Sign seen at a restaurant:
The hands that clean these toilets also make your food...
please aim properly.

something funny i hope.
but it isnt very nice after a meal if you read this.

i'm still stuck in school
wait for him to finish class.
then we're going walkwalk
then dinner together

faster come faster come
i'm getting bored.
i've faced this computer in the library for close to one and a half hours already
with nothing to do.

/ shining lights

Starry, starry night.
Paint your palette blue & grey,
Look out on a summer's day,
Shadows on the hills,
Sketch trees & daffodils,
Catch breeze & winter chills,
In colors on snowy linen land.




ABBY Asriel Christopher Chua Eileen Fyon Gina Jun Yu Joshua Justin Pangster Maria Pei Yu Sammie Sherrie Valerie Cuzzie Wei Wen Willis Xinyi

thank you

The designer is darkdegree and is designing for a simple reason for his birthday. Brushes used are simple stars and city brushes found from deviantart
archive of stars

starry starry night