
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
i'm flying a kite/ 11:23 AM

i'm flying a kite
don't wanna pull it too tight
for the fear of it being snapped
i need to fly it safely
i don't want any thing bad to happen
and maybe i've been pulling it too tight
i should let go a little

it's one week away from camp
will i survive?
am i even looking forward to it?
i'm tired
i'm not seeing any improvements from myself
what is happening?
do i need more motivation?
or do i just lack self discipline?
we'll see

my knee has been giving me problems
it has been there for quite some time already
occasionally it'll just hurt
while walking/running
if pressure is put on it
it'll just hurt
might be a big problem next time
i'm not worried
i'll be fine
i think
waking up with a knee that hurts while walking
doesn't make my day any better

They say to 'live in the moment,' but today you should look farther down the road.
one sentence taken from my horoscope
i will
maybe it's time to challenge my self to something that i've never done

And if you have a very quiet day, you might grow inappropriately preoccupied with the one or two things that are happening
another sentence taken from my horoscope
i'm sensing a very quiet day
it's 11.38am n i've got nothing to do
i'm blogging
with no idea if i'm still going for training
no doubt that sentence is kinda true
i should stop thinking so much
it happens to everyone
not only gals

i want to receive calls from you
and not only messages
even if it's 5am in the morning
call me if u wanna tell me something
even if it's a little thing
don't take back what you want to do
training doesn't affect what you're going to do
breakfast is in the morning
training is in the evening
so what if i have training?
it doesn't clash

No One by Aly & Aj
has been repeatedly playing on itunes
i've found myself
and i'm me

/ shining lights

Starry, starry night.
Paint your palette blue & grey,
Look out on a summer's day,
Shadows on the hills,
Sketch trees & daffodils,
Catch breeze & winter chills,
In colors on snowy linen land.




ABBY Asriel Christopher Chua Eileen Fyon Gina Jun Yu Joshua Justin Pangster Maria Pei Yu Sammie Sherrie Valerie Cuzzie Wei Wen Willis Xinyi

thank you

The designer is darkdegree and is designing for a simple reason for his birthday. Brushes used are simple stars and city brushes found from deviantart
archive of stars

starry starry night